David Budgen

Emeritus Professor of Software Engineering
My Address:
Department of Computer Science
University of Durham
Mountjoy Centre
Stockton Road
ORCID Number: 0000-0001-7143-0241
E-mail me at [email protected]
Research Interests
My interests include: evidence-based software engineering (EBSE); evidence-informed software development (EISD); software design; and healthcare informatics.
A long-term research interest has been the study of software design practices, and my most recent book (2021) is the third edition of Software Design, published by Chapman and Hall. Over the years this interest has led to an increasing involvement with empirical techniques, both for studying design activities, and also in terms of their more general role in software engineering. In particular, I have developed an interest in the concept of what is meant by evidence, and how it can be collected, aggregated and analysed, leading to the book Evidence-Based Software Engineering & Systematic Reviews in collaboration with Barbara Kitchenham and Pearl Brereton, published in November 2015. We are currently revising and updating a web site (www.ebse.org.uk) that is aimed at providing guidance about evidence-based software engineering (EBSE) and systematic reviews for use by researchers, practitioners, students and teachers.
I was principal investigator on the Evidence Based Software Engineering (EBSE) project, funded by EPSRC between 2005 and 2007 and was joint principal investigator on its successor Evidence-based Practice Informing Computing (EPIC) during 2008-2009. According to a recent update from Scopus (December 2022), two of the many papers produced by these projects are respectively the most-cited papers in the journal Information & Software Technology (Kitchenham, Brereton, Budgen, Turner, Bailey & Linkman, “Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering–A systematic Literature Review”, 51(1), 7-15, 2009); and in the Journal of Systems & Software (Brereton, Kitchenham, Budgen, Turner, and Khalil, “Lessons from applying the Systematic Literature Review process within the Software Engineering domain”, 80(4), pages 571–583, 2007).
Between 2002 and 2004, I acted as the Project Manager for the EPSRC-funded IBHIS project (Integration Broker for Heterogeneous Information Sources), involving collaboration between the Universities of Durham, Keele and Manchester. IBHIS explored the emerging technology of software services and demonstrated how software service architectures can be employed to enable access to information held and owned by autonomous, independent agencies in the healthcare domain. This latter area of research remains an ongoing interest.
A current issue of concern and investigation is the quality of systematic reviews being published in software engineering (see the paper below, “Reporting Systematic Reviews: Some Lessons from a Tertiary Study”). I would particularly encourage journal editors and conference organisers to use the reviewer’s checklist provided in that publication (Appendix A), as well as to require that authors of systematic reviews provide a concise one-page summary of their findings (and the provenance of these) in a form that is readily accessible for potential users. In addition, authors of reports of all forms of secondary studies are encouraged to consult and follow the SEGRESS guidelines described in the 2023 paper listed below in order to ensure accurate and comprehensive reporting of their research.
Some Recent Publications
Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski and David Budgen. How Should Software Engineering Secondary Studies Include Grey Material, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 49(2):872–882, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2022.3165938 (Open Access)
Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski and David Budgen. SEGRESS: Software Engineering Guidelines for REporting Secondary Studies, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 49(3):1273–1298, 2023. DOI 10.1109/TSE.2022.3174092 (Open Access)
David Budgen and Pearl Brereton. Short communication: Evolution of secondary studies in software engineering. Information & Software Technology, 145, 106840, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2022.106840 (Open Access)
Zakhriya Alhassan, Matthew Watson, David Budgen, Riyad Alshammari, Ali Alessa, and Noura Al Moubayed. Improving current glycated hemoglobin prediction in adults: Use of machine learning algorithms with electronic health records. JMIR Med Inform, 9:1–18, 2021.
David Budgen. Software Design: Creating Solutions for Ill-Structured Problems, third edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-138-19661-2
David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, Nikki Williams and Sarah Drummond. What support do systematic reviews provide for evidence-informed teaching about software engineering practice? e-Informatica, 14(1) pp 7-60, 2020
Zakhriya Alhassan, David Budgen, Riyad Alshammari and Noura Al Moubayed. Predicting current glycated hemoglobin levels in adults from electronic health records: Validation of multiple logistic regression algorithm. JMIR Med Inform., 8(7):e18963, Jul 2020
Eman Altuwaijri, David Budgen and Sharyn Maxwell, Factors impeding the effective utilisation of an electronic patient report form during handover from an ambulance to an emergency department. Health Informatics Journal, 25(4),pp 1705-1721, 2019. DOI: 10.1177/1460458218797984
Zakriya Alhassan, David Budgen, Ali Alessa, Riyad Alshammari, Tahini Daghstani and Noura Al Moubayed. Collaborative denoising audoencoder for high glycated haemoglobin prediction. In Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN2019, 2019.
Zakhriya Alhassan, A Stephen McGough, Riyad Alshammari, Tahani Daghstani, David Budgen and Noura Al Moubayed, Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis from Time Series Clinical Data using Deep Learning Models. In Proceedings of 27th Int. Conference on Neural Networks (ICANN 2018), LNCS 11141
Zakhriya Alhassan, David Budgen, Riyad Alshammari, Tahani Daghstani, A Stephen McGough and Noura Al Moubayed, Stacked Denoising Autoencoders for Mortality Risk Prediction Using Imbalanced Clinical Data. In Proceedings of 17th IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2018, pp1-6, IEEE Computer Society Press
David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, Sarah Drummond and Nikki Williams, Reporting Systematic Reviews: Some Lessons from a Tertiary Study. Information & Software Technology, 95, pp 62-74, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2017.10.017
David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, Nikki Williams and Sarah Drummond, The contribution that empirical studies performed in industry make to the findings of systematic reviews: A tertiary study. Information & Software Technology, 94, pp234-244, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2017.10.012
Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski, David Budgen, Jacky Keung, Pearl Brereton, Stuart Charters, Shirley Gibbs and Amnart Pohthong, Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering. Empirical Software Engineering, 22(2), 579-630, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10664-016-9437-5
Maria Anjum & David Budgen, An investigation of modelling and design for software service applications. PLoS ONE 12(5):e0176936, 2017
David Budgen, Aggregating empirical evidence for more trustworthy decisions. In Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering, eds. Zimmerman T., Williams L., Menzies T., pages 181-186. Morgan Kaufman/Elsevier 2016. ISBN 978-0-12-804206-9.
David Budgen, What do We Know and How Well Do We Know It? Current Knowledge about Software Engineering Practices. In Software Technologies, Vol 586 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, eds Lorenz P, Cardoso J., Maciaszek L.A. & van Sinderen M. Springer, pages 3-16, 2016.
Barbara Kitchenham, David Budgen & Pearl Brereton, Evidence-Based Software Engineering and Systematic Reviews, Chapman & Hall. pp399, ISBN 978-1-4822-2865-6
Jonathan Berry, David Budgen and Nick Holliman, Evaluating subjective impressions of quality controlled 3D films on large and small screens. IEEE Journal of Display Technology, 11(11), November 2015 pp. 927-938. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JDT.2014.2384531
David Budgen, What do We Know and How Well Do We Know It? Current Knowledge about Software Engineering practices. Invited keynote presented at ICSOFT 2015, Colmar, France.
David Budgen, Design Patterns: Magic or Myth?, IEEE Software, 30(2), March-April, pages 87-90, 2013. DOI 10.1109/MS.2014.26
Cheng Zhang and David Budgen, A survey of experienced user perceptions about design patterns. Information & Software Technology, 55(5) pages 822-835, 2013. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2012.11.003
Barbara A Kitchenham, Dag I K Sjøberg, Tore Dybå, Pearl Brereton, David Budgen, Martin Höst and Per Runeson. Trends in the quality of human-intensive software engineering experiments–A quasi-experiment. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 39(7), pages 1002-1017, 2013. DOI http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TSE.2012.76
David Budgen, Barbara Kitchenham, Stuart Charters, Shirley Gibbs, Amnart Pohthong, Jacky Keung and Pearl Brereton. Lessons from Conducting a Distributed Quasi-experiment. Proceedings of 2013 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering & Measurement (ESEM), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 143-152.
David Budgen, Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton. The Case for Knowledge Translation. Proceedings of 2013 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering & Measurement (ESEM), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 263-266.
David Budgen. The Cobbler’s Children–Why do Software Design Environments not support Design Practices? In Marian Petre and André Van Der Hock (Eds), Software Designers in Action: A Human-Centric Look at Design Work, Chapter 12, pages 199-218, Chapman & Hall, 2013.
Barbara Kitchenham, Dag I.K. Sjøberg, Tore Dybå, Dietmar Pfahl, Pearl Brereton, David Budgen, Martin Höst and Per Runeson. Evaluating the quality of software engineering experiments–three empirical studies. Information & Software Technology, 54(7), pages 804-819, 2012.
David Budgen, Sarah Drummond, Pearl Brereton and Nikki Holland. What scope is there for adopting evidence-informed teaching in software engineering? Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2012, IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 1205-1214.
Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton and David Budgen. Mapping study completeness and reliability–a case study. Proceedings Evaluation & Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE) 2012, pages 1-10, IET Press.
Maria Anjum and David Budgen. A Mapping Study of the Definitions used for Service-Oriented Architecture. In Proceedings Evaluation & Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE) 2012, pages 1-5, IET Press.
Cheng Zhang, David Budgen and Sarah Drummond. Using a follow-on survey to investigate why use of the Visitor, Singleton and Facade patterns is controversial. Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), ACM Press, pages 79-88.
Cheng Zhang and David Budgen. What do we know about the effectiveness of Software Design Patterns? IEEE Transactions in Software Engineering, 38(5), pages 1213-1231, 2012
David Budgen, A J Burn, O. P. Brereton, B.A. Kitchenham and R Pretorius. Empirical evidence about the UML: A systematic literature review. Software–Practice and Experience, 41(4), pages 363-392, 2011
David Budgen, Andy J Burn and Barbara Kitchenham. Reporting computing projects through structured abstracts: a quasi-experiment. Empirical Software Engineering, 16(2), pages 244-277.
Barbara A Kitchenham, David Budgen and O Pearl Brereton. Using mapping studies as the basis for further research — A participant-observer case study. Information & Software Technology, 53(4), pages 638-651.
Mark Turner, Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton, Stuart Charters and David Budgen. Does the Technology Acceptance Model predict Actual Use? A Systematic Literature Review. Information & Software Technology, 52(5), pages 463-479, 2010.
Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton and David Budgen. The Educational Value of Mapping Studies of Software Engineering Literature. In Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), pages 589-598, 2010.
Barbara Kitchenham, Rialette Pretorius, David Budgen, O. Pearl Brereton, Mark Turner, Mahmood Niazi and Stephen Linkman. Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering: A Tertiary Study. Information & Software Technology, 52(8), pages 792-805, 2010.
Barbara Kitchenham, Dag I. K. Sjøberg, O. Pearl Brereton, David Budgen, Tore Dybå, Martin Höst, Dietmar Pfahl and Per Runeson. Can We Evaluate the Quality of Software Engineering Experiments?. In Proceedings of Empirical Software Engineering & Measurement (ESEM 2010), 2010.
Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton, Mark Turner, Mahmood Niazi, Stephen Linkman, Rialette Pretorius and David Budgen. Refining the systematic literature review process–two participant-observer case studies. Empirical Software Engineering, 15(6), pages 618-653, 2010.
Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton, David Budgen, Mark Turner, John Bailey & Stephen Linkman. Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering–A systematic Literature Review. Information & Software Technology, 51(1), pages 7-15, 2009.
David Budgen & Cheng Zhang. Preliminary Reporting Guidelines for Experience Papers. In Proceedings of EASE 2009, page 1-10, BCS eWiC, 2009.
David Budgen, John Bailey, Mark Turner, Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton & Stuart Charters. Cross-domain investigation of empirical practices. IET Software, 3(5), pages 410-421, 2009.
David Budgen, Barbara A. Kitchenham, Stuart M. Charters, Mark Turner, Pearl Brereton and Stephen G. Linkman. Presenting software engineering results using structured abstracts: a randomised experiment. Empirical Software Engineering, 13(4), pages 435-468, 2008.
David Budgen, Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton, Mark Turner, Stuart Charters and Stephen Linkman. Employing the evidence-based paradigm for technology-related decision-making. Evidence & Policy, 4(2), pages 149-170, 2008.
Philip Woodall, Pearl Brereton, and David Budgen. Investigating service-oriented system performance: a systematic study. Software—Practice & Experience, 37(2), pages 177–191, 2007.
Michael Rigby, David Budgen, Mark Turner, Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, Pearl Brereton, John Keane, Keith Bennett, Michelle Russell, Paul Layzell, and Fujun Zhu. A Data-Gathering Broker as a Future-Oriented Approach to Supporting EPR Users. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 76(2), pages 137–144, 2007.
O.P.Brereton, B.A. Kitchenham, D. Budgen, M. Turner, and M.A. Khalil. Lessons from applying the Systematic Literature Review process within the Software Engineering domain. Journal of Systems & Software, 80(4), pages 571–583, 2007.
David Budgen, Michael Rigby, Pearl Brereton, and Mark Turner. A Data Integration Broker for Healthcare Systems. IEEE Computer, 40(4), pages 34–41, 2007.
Barbara Kitchenham, David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, Mark Turner, Stuart Charters and Stephen Linkman. Large-scale software engineering questions–expert opinion or empirical evidence? IET Software, 1(5), pages 161-171, 2007
Stephen Owen, David Budgen and Pearl Brereton. Protocol Analysis: A Neglected Practice. Comm. ACM, 49(2), pages 117-122, 2006.
David Budgen, Stuart Charters, Mark Turner, Pearl Brereton, Barbara Kitchenham and Stephen Linkman. Investigating the applicability of the evidence-based paradigm to software engineering. In Proceedings of WISER Workshop, ICSE 2006, pages 7-13. ACM Press, May 2006.
Mark Turner, Pearl Brereton and David Budgen. Service-enabled access control for distributed data. IEE Proceedings–Software, 153, pages 24-30. February 2006.
Barbara Kitchenham, David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, and Philip Woodall. An investigation of software engineering curricula. Journal of Systems & Software, 74:325–335, January 2005.
David Budgen and James E Tomayko. The SEI Curriculum Modules and their influence: Norm Gibbs’ legacy to Software Engineering Education. Journal of Systems & Software, 75:55–62, February 2005.
David Budgen, Mark Turner, Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, Fujun Zhu, Michelle Russell, Michael Rigby, Keith Bennett, Pearl Brereton, John Keane, and Paul Layzell. Managing healthcare information: the role of the broker. In From Grid to Healthgrid: Proceedings of Healthgrid 2005, pages 3–16. IOS Press,
April 2005.
Martyn Ratcliffe and David Budgen. The application of use cases in systems analysis and design specification. Information & Software Technology, 47:623–641, 2005.
Barbara Kitchenham, David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, and Stephen Linkman. Realising Evidence-Based Software Engineering. In Proceedings of ICSE Workshop on Realising Evidence-Based Software Engineering, pages 1–3. ACM Press, 2005.
David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, Barbara Kitchenham, and Stephen Linkman. International Workshop on Realising Evidence-Based Software Engineering. In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering 2005, page 687. ACM Press, 2005.
M.J. Rigby, D. Budgen, O.P. Brereton, K Bennett, P. Layzell, J.Keane, M.J. Russell, I. Kotsiopoulos, M. Turner and F. Zhu. Proving the concept of a data broker as an emergent alternative to supra-enterprise EPR systems. Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, 30(2), pages 99-106, 2005.
Marian Petre, David Budgen, and Jean Scholtz. A Focus on the Human Side of Software Engineering. Empirical Software Engineering, 9:271–274, 2004.
Fujun Zhu, Mark Turner, Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, Keith Bennett, Michelle Russell, David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, John Keane, Paul Layzell, Michael Rigby, and Jie Xu. Dynamic Data Integration Using Web Services. In Proceedings ICWS 2004, pages 262–269. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
Mark Turner, Fujun Zhu, Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, Michelle Russell, David Budgen, Keith Bennett, Pearl Brereton, John Keane, Paul Layzell, and Michael Rigby. Using Web Service Technologies to create an Information Broker: An experience report. In Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 552–561. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, and Mark Turner. Codifying a Service Architectural Style. In Proceedings 28th International Computer Software & Applications Conference – COMPSAC, pages 16–22. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
Last updated: 22 March 2023